Day 149 - April 20
Delayed Update
Much has happened since the last actual update. Apologies for the delay (especially to Jen D. and Shannon who sent requests), but going back to work took away most of Mommy's free time and the entire family got sick which took away the rest. By Friday of Aidan's first week at daycare, he caught his first cold and he shared with Mommy. That illness lasted about a week and then turned into an ear infection which led to the first middle of the night trip to the emergency room because of a fever. Mommy and Daddy both shared the infection as well. Everything was mostly normal for about a week and now it seems like Aidan is teething and is a bit crabby about it. He's being a pretty good sport, though, and with time, this too shall pass.
Daddy is enjoying his new job and has just returned from the annual NAB conference in Las Vegas. Aunt Heather was here for a week to help Mommy out while Daddy was away. There is photographic evidence that Aunt Heather held Aidan, but it's been censored to protect the innocent.
Mommy has been finding the return to work rather difficult, but that's about to change. Daddy's new job opened up an opportunity for Mommy to be a mommy full time. Although Mommy wasn't sure at first that she wanted to completely leave her job, the organization won't allow full-time positions to become part-time even temporarily, so as of May 5, Mommy will resign her position. The longer the idea sinks in, the more Mommy thinks this is all for the best. Mommy is really very happy being a mommy. Mommy hopes to keep working with her organization as an independent contractor through the end of the year, working 1-2 days per week to help transition her long-term monitoring research to a new person. After that, we'll see what happens!